Often we only think about our digestive systems when things go wrong. And when they do go wrong it can have a significant impact on our quality of life. No-one wants to be constantly worried about where the nearest toilet is, suffer the pain of abdominal cramps or acid reflux, or constantly feel queasy.

Digestive issues can sometimes be helped by lifestyle changes . Eating at at regular times, not overeating (there is an oft quoted saying in Chinese Medicine that you should stop when seven tenths full!), keeping a diary of food triggers to see if there is an obvious culprit, and keeping calm while eating can all help.

My treatment for chronic acid reflux has been very effective.
— Margaret
Acupuncture was significantly more effective than pharmacological therapy and no specific treatment.
— Acupuncture for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, Cochrane Library

Research has shown that acupuncture may help with gastro-intestinal tract disorders in many ways, including regulating gastric and duodenal motility through the nervous system, ,altering acid secretion, reducing inflammation, stimulating areas of the brain that relate to gastric perception, and reducing the permeability of intestinal mucosa.


Consultation & initial treatment

60 - 75 minutes


Follow on treatment

40-50 minutes


Pre-paid block of six

£275 (£285 with initial consultation)