Male fertility issues are a contributing factor in around half of infertility cases. And as we all know, it takes two to make a baby. Sometimes a little change on both sides can bridge the gap between fertility and infertility, so its great if everyone involved can come for treatment.

What can go wrong ?

Well, for normal fertility your semen needs four things;

  • volume

  • sperm count

  • motility

  • morphology

Or, to put it another way, there needs to be enough ejaculate, there need to be enough sperm in each millilitre, they must move quickly enough, and most of them should be a normal shape.

The criteria for normal male fertility has lowered over time, probably because sperm counts have been decreasing steadily by 1-2% a year for the last few decades. It is estimated that sperm count for an average 30 year old man today is about a quarter of that of one born in 1925, and that the decline is probably caused by environmental factors such as pollutants. At the end of the day, you only need one successful sperm, but it makes sense to maximise your potential.

It takes a few months to mature sperm, and during this time they need the right environment.


some quick advice….

  • Don’t put pressure on your sperm. Tight clothes and cycling can stop them moving so well.

  • Keep them cool - Keep away from hot environments, like saunas and hot tubs, and keep your laptop well away from your lap.

  • Reduce stress - some studies have shown it can affect sperm development.

  • Get plenty of sleep - testosterone production increases at night.

  • Reduce alcohol - high levels can reduce sperm count and increase the time it takes a couple to conceive.

  • Eat a diet full of whole foods with lots of fruit and veg - men who eat lots of processed foods have lower sperm counts.


how acupuncture can help……

Sperm take a few months to develop, so the ideal time to start your acupuncture treatment is a few months before trying for a baby, whether naturally or through an IVF cycle

Acupuncture has been shown to

  • increase the number of motile sperm

  • Increase the number of sperm with intact tails

  • Increase the % of viable sperm


Consultation & initial treatment

60 - 75 minutes


Follow on treatment

40-50 minutes


Pre-paid block of six

£275 (£285 with initial consultation)