Pain might be part of being human, yet everyone wants a pain free life. A body that doesn’t distract you from your day to day life . The ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want.
Acupuncture can be a great way of dealing with pain. A body of evidence shows how effective it is for a range of conditions. Everything from arthritis to back pain to endometriosis to migraines - and much more.
The World Health Organisation recommends acupuncture for a range of pain related conditions. As does the The National Institute of Clinical Excellence in their recent guidance for chronic pain.
You might be surprised to know that NICE do NOT recommend manual therapies, or drugs such as opioids, or even paracetamol to manage chronic pain.
Even if your condition isn’t shown here acupuncture may be able to help you. It can change common factors shared by many pain conditions . Here are some of the things acupuncture can do - improve joint mobility, reduce muscular stiffness, alter brain chemistry by releasing chemicals like endorphins and serotonin, help to repair the body's tissues
Research also shows that the effects of acupuncture last after treatment has stopped. This quote is from a study over 20,000 people with a range of problems causing chronic pain.
Consultation & initial treatment
50-60 minutes
Follow on treatment
40-50 minutes
Pre-paid block of six
£265 (£275 with initial consultation)